Brown marmorated stink bug season: How to protect your home in Huntington, WV, Ashland, KY, Proctorville, OH, and surrounding areas
Brown marmorated stink bugs (BMSBs) have become a significant pest problem in many regions, including Huntington, WV, Ashland, KY, Proctorville, OH, and the surrounding areas. These invasive insects can be a nuisance, both indoors and out, due to their unpleasant odor and their [...]
Avoid bringing bed bugs into your home by following these easy steps
1. Inspect where you sleep. When sleeping in a new bed rather it be at a hotel or a family/friend’s house, specially if you have babies with you, it doesn’t matter if he is inside a Bob 2016 Revolution Flex Stroller, bugs can [...]
Kissing bug found in West Virginia, Ohio
Potentially deadly bug over hyped? I am sure if you have watched the local news you know about the hype of the kissing found in West Virginia and Ohio. Now we all know the media wants to get ratings, so they do sensationalize the [...]
I have bed bugs, should I throw away my mattress?
Should I throw away my mattress? This is a question I get asked on a regular basis, and there are many ways of answering the question of “should I throw away my furniture because of bed bugs”. The short answer is not yet, [...]
Stop pests from spending the winter in your home
Winter is quickly approaching and before we know it Huntington WV will be blustery and cold once again. Many homeowners believe that pest just simply disappear during this time of the year. That could not be further from the truth. Many insects, and [...]
School is in — time to check your child for bed bugs
School time has started for some children already and is close for many others. Students and parents have a lot to take care of and deal with during this time of the year, and certainly do not need anything more added to their [...]
Do you have bed bugs? now what to do?
First off just breath. I, like everyone else, run to the internet when you have something going on that I’ve never dealt with before to find a possible solution. In most cases you have a 50/50 chance of what you read is indeed [...]
Don’t bring bed bugs home when you travel
Summer is inching closer and I am sure many like myself will be doing a bit of traveling this summer, with camping trips and beach vacations on the agenda. I thought it would be fitting to share with my readers a few ways [...]
Termites are in full swing in Huntington
Well it’s that time of year again and with spring brings out the birds, the bee’s and the TERMITES!!!! My calls have increased 10 fold over the last couple weeks with termites swarming from Barboursville, to Portsmouth OH. So I thought it would [...]